

[학회지] 10월호(Vol. 40, No. 5) 발간 및 12월호 논문모집 안내

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Journal Information
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  ☞ Upcoming Issue:  2025. 02. 28 (Korean and English)

Korean Journal of Remote Sensing - Vol. 40, No. 5-1 (Regular Issue)
10월 정규호 


Research Articles

1. [English]  Automated Updates of Coordinates of Ground Control Points Through Tiepoints from Multiple Satellite Images
·····································  Seunghyeok Choi, Seunghwan Ban, Taejung Kim

2. [Korean]  ALOS-2 간섭기법을 통해 발견된 동남극 Vostok 빙저호 부근의 활성 빙저호
·····································  신현진, 한향선

3. [Korean]  Google Earth Engine 기반 랜덤 포레스트 알고리즘을 활용한 다중 센서 위성영상 분류: 국토위성영상의 적용
····································· 이정희, 김광섭, 이기원

4. [Korean]  딥러닝 기법을 이용한 연안 양식 시설 탐지의 정확도 평가
····································· 김서진, 정한철, 황도현

5. [English]  Study on Automated Forest Change Detection Using Medium-Resolution Satellites: The Case Study of Dogyemyeon, Samcheok City
·····································  Sunmin Lee, Moung-Jin Lee

6. [Korean]  Sentinel-2 영상 기반 자동 지상기준점 추출 방법을 이용한 농림위성영상 정사영상 생성
····································  남윤지, 손종환, 김태정, 이수암

7. [Korean]  소규모 농지에 대해 SAM을 활용한 무인기영상의 필지 기반 작물분류
····································  이지상, 김호진, 구자명, 최형욱, 정도영
8. [English]  Performance Comparison of Water Body Detection from Sentinel-1 SAR and Sentinel-2 Optical Imagery Using Attention U-Net Model
····································  Il-Hoon Choi, Eu-Ru Lee, Hyung-Sup Jung

9. [Korean]  UAV 및 열적외선 센서 관측을 통한 폭염저감시설의 시·공간적 비교 분석 - 장유무계지구 쿨루프를 대상으로 -
····································  정지애, 조영일, 이선민, 이명진

10. [Korean]  드론 시계열 영상 기반 노지 배추의 생육 및 수분 스트레스 진단
····································  류재현, 이혜진, 문현동, 이경도, 박찬원, 조재일, 장선웅, 안호용

11. [English]  Optimal Hyperparameter Analysis of Segment Anything Model for Building Extraction Using KOMPSAT-3/3A Images
····································   Donghyeon Lee, Jiyong Kim, Yongil Kim

12. [Korean]   정규화 적설지수의 대기보정 영향 분석: 토지피복별 NDSI 변화 및 적설탐지 특성
····································  진동현, 안도섭, 김상일

13. [Korean]  동아시아 지역의 토지 유형에 따른 식생 지수의 계절적 변동성 및 온실가스와의 상관성 분석
····································  박희준, 이병일, 손은하, 김지영

14. [English]  Satellite-Based Coral Reef Habitat Mapping in Weno Island Using Water Column Corrected High Spatial Resolution Image
····································  Bara Samudra Syuhada, Deukjae Hwang, Taihun Kim, Jongkuk Choi
···································· 서준호, 신정일

16. [Korean]  초소형 위성과 연계한 딥러닝 수계 및 침수 지역 탐지 활용성 평가: PlanetScope 위성 영상과 HRNet 모형
····································  김완엽, 조신현, 정준혁, 김예지, 김현옥, 최민하

17. [English]  Application of GOCI to the Estimate of Habitat for Mackerel in the South Korea Exclusive Economic Zone
····································  Doni Nurdiansah, Seonju Lee, Deuk Jae Hwang, Jong-Kuk Choi
18. [Korean]  Sentinel-1과 Sentienl-2 영상을 이용한 저수지 수면적 추정
····································  조한근, 류동렬

19. [English]  Evaluation of Surface Reflectance and Vegetation Indices Measured by Sentinel-2 Satellite Using Drone Considering Crop Type and Surface Heterogeneity
····································  Jae-Hyun Ryu, Hyun-Dong Moon, Kyung-Do Lee, Jaeil Cho, Ho-yong Ahn

20. [Korean]  토지피복 분류를 위한 멀티 모달 모델의 활용 가능성 평가
····································  심우담, 이정수
Korean Journal of Remote Sensing - Vol. 40, No. 5-2 (Special Issue)
학회 창립 40주년 영문 특별호 (분야별 원격탐사 초청리뷰논문 수록) 



1. History, Status, and Prospects of Remote Sensing in Korea
···································· Taejung Kim

Invited Reviews 
····································  Kwangjae Lee

3. History, Status, and Prospects of Remote Sensing in the Field of Meteorological Satellite in Korea
····································  Sung-Rae Chung, Myoung-Hwan Ahn, Dohyeong Kim, Byung-Il Lee, Daehyeon Oh


4. Progress in Current Research and Applications of the Geostationary Ocean Color Imager Series (GOCI and GOCI-II): A Bibliometric Analysis
····································  Joo-Hyung Ryu, Donguk Lee, Minju Kim

5. Pioneering Air Quality Monitoring over East and Southeast Asia with the Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS)
····································  Kyunghwa Lee, Dong-Won Lee, Lim-Seok Chang, Jeong-Ah Yu, Won-Jin Lee, Kyoung-Hee Kang, Jaehoon Jeong

6.  National Spatial Data Policy and Remote Sensing: Technological Advancements, Policy Implications, and Future Prospects
····································  Mi Hee Lee, Byeong Hee Kim, Suyoung Park, Jong Tae An

7. History, Status, and Prospects of Remote Sensing in Agriculture in Republic of Korea
····································  Suk Young Hong, Chan-Won Park, Young-Ah Jeon, Suk Shin, Kyung-Do Lee, Jeong-Hui Yu, Ho-Yong Ahn,
                                             Jae-Hyun Ryu, Sangil Na, Yi-Hyun Kim, Lak-Yeong Choi,Dasom Jeon, Hyun-Jin Jung

8. Advancement and Applications of Forest Remote Sensing in Korea: Past, Present, and Future Perspectives
···································· Kyoung-Min Kim, Joongbin Lim, Sol-E Choi, Nanghyun Cho, Minji Seo, Sunjoo Lee, 
                                            Hanbyol Woo, Junghee Lee, Cheolho Lee, Junhee Lee, Seunghyun Lee, Myoungsoo Won

9. National Disaster Management and Monitoring Using Satellite Remote Sensing and Geo-Information
···································· Jongsoo Park, Hagyu Jeong, Junwoo Lee

10. A Comprehensive Review of Remote Sensing for Water-Related Disaster Management in South Korea: Focus on Floods and Droughts
····································  Eui-Ho Hwang, Jin-Gyeom Kim, Jang-Yong Sung, Ki-Mook Kang

11. Geological Remote Sensing of Korea
····································  Hoonyol Lee

12. Four Decades of Polar Research in Remote Sensing: A Comprehensive Review
····································  Hyun-Cheol Kim

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Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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